Do you remember a fairy tale where a girl kissed an ugly frog? Then true magic happened and that frog turned into a handsome prince. A great story, isn’t it? Now, you are invited to test a new online game based on that scenario. And can you guess your role? You will assume the role of that girl! It is going to be a really exciting adventure, so test it now! Kissing a frog may not be what you expected. But a lot of fun and joy is promised!

About gameplay

So you will turn into a charming princess in this game. But each princess dreams of a prince! You can have it after you perform one thing. You must kiss a frog! But it is not so simple as it looks at first glance. You must apply lipsticks over your lips before a kiss. There is no lipstick around. What is the solution? You must craft it yourself. Go to your mafic room to do some magic. You can get a lipstick by mixing several random objects together in a boiling pot. It is a bit of magic, but let’s hope it will work! How to mix things? Just click on the item you want to mix and drag it to the pot in the middle of the screen.

Will it be a prince?

You cannot predict how the chosen ingredients will work together and what color lipstick you will receive. But after you see a lipstick on the screen, make sure to apply it as soon as possible. For this, just move the mouse quickly from side to side. Now you are finally ready to kiss the frog. Note that you may get really weird colors of lipstick. But in this case, the magic will not bring the desired results. Instead of a prince, the frog may transform into a lot of strange creatures that sometimes look even creepy. If you find yourself in such a painful situation, do not give up! Keep experimenting with different components until you see a prince. Just avoid making the same mistakes – try new combinations all the time. Play with no restrictions – girls will adore this simple entertainment.



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